Uses of Mastic
In popular medicine it is used to treat stomach pain, respiratory and skin problems. In cooking it is used as an ingredient to add flavor and aroma to sweet and savory dishes, and in perfumery it is used as a fragrance fixative.
History of Mastic
Mastic has been used for thousands of years, Herodotus in 5 BC. mentions it, indicating that the Romans chewed it to clean their teeth and freshen their breath.
Mastic Collection
To collect the resin, incisions are made in the trunk during the summer, releasing a viscous latex that hardens upon contact with air.
On the island of Chios there are 24 resin-producing towns and these form the municipality of Mastichochoria, which is a region well known for the production of mastic and which derives its name from the resin.
Resin production on the island is controlled by a cooperative of medieval villages, the Chios Mastic Producers Association, which supports local producers, helps in the management of production and encourages scientific research on this plant.