Amber Salt Dhoop

Amber Sal Dhoop resin has a woody and earthy aroma, and comes from the Aquilaria malaccensis tree.

Its aromatic smoke elevates the spirit and promotes connection with the divine. The resin is used to cleanse and purify, as well as to create an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity. Additionally, it is used to aid concentration during meditation and other spiritual practices.

Used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for its medicinal properties. In Buddhist and Hindu traditions it is used during prayers, offerings and meditations.

It is linked to the ancient art of making and using incense, in which natural essential oils, flowers, spices, natural resins, aromatic and medicinal herbs and other aromatic substances are mixed.

Aroma: Refreshing, woody and earthy.

Origin: Nepal.

Scientific Name: Aquilaria malaccensis.

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